How to Use the Character Descriptions Tool

This article will show you how to use Pozotron to find descriptions of your characters automatically!

Note: This feature is in BETA and is continuously being improved!

When you upload your manuscript to Pozotron, we will scan your script for all of the Characters found. 

We'll also try to find descriptions of the Characters' personalities and voices.

Follow these steps to find these descriptions:

1. Find Character Entries with the "AI" Tag

In the Character Guide, click on the Open Suggestions button to see the list of Characters Pozotron has found.

You will then see an entry for each Character Pozotron has found. 

Some of these entries will have a small tag next to it that says, "AI."

AI Tag

This means that Pozotron has identified some details about the character. 

2. Add To Characters Guide

Click the + Add To Characters Guide button and close the Open Suggestions list to see what Pozotron found!

In this instance, Pozotron identified Shere Khan as a male and recognized his voice with some descriptors, like Angry, Savage, Roars.

Pozotron has identified this by scanning your script and seeing how the author described his voice. 

This can give you a headstart in understanding how a Character was intended to sound.


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